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Benefit Concerts by the Wind Ensemble


The Hudson Valley Wind Ensemble annually performs full-length concerts to benefit charitable organizations.  The Wind Ensemble presents audience-pleasing concerts from its wide variety of music ranging from rich and exciting symphonic literature to the music of Broadway and Hollywood.  The charity hires the Wind Ensemble for a reasonable fee, pays for presentation expenses and receives all revenue from ticket sales, journal ads and contributions.  By this collaboration, the Wind Ensemble is able to defray its operating budget as well as assist the fund raising needs of the charity.
A special occasion for any concert season would include a performance of "Casey At The Bat" for narrator and band by Bill Holcombe.  This music was commissioned for the Ensemble in 2005 and is now published in both band and orchestra versions.  A performance by a well-known sports personality as narrator will be a most appealing combination and audience draw.  
A simple overview of presenting a benefit concert involves costs of the Wind Ensemble, concert venue, program/journal printing and moving music equipment.   These are more than offset by revenue from ticket sales, journal advertising and contributions insuring a successful and profitable venture.  Although the Ensemble's role is officially limited to performance, our experience with many previous benefit concerts enables us to offer guidance on most aspects of the process.
Charitable organizations wishing additional information regarding benefit programs should email James D. Wayne, Music Director or contact by telephone at 914-686-1880.
The Hudson Valley Symphonic Wind Ensemble is incorporated under Section 402 of the New York State Not-for-Profit Law and a tax exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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